FX Tactical Ideas: Long EUR-CHF Near Year-to-Date Lows
Dovish SNB could alter CHF trajectory
Treasury & Markets, Terence Wu6 Sep 2024
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CHF outperformance in the Jul-Aug period should reverse as focus shifts to a dovish SNB.      

  • Since Jul, the CHF has gained ground against all G-10 counterparts, save for the JPY. We see this bout of outsized CHF strength as a byproduct of JPY’s gains amid the unwinding of the JPY carry trade. Short-term correlations between the USD-CHF and USD-JPY since Jun 2023 averaged around 0.50, but the relationship tightened towards 0.60 – 0.80 in Jul-Aug.
  • Going forward, we expect the JPY’s importance as a CHF driver to fade. The USD-JPY’s downside impetus has been arrested ahead of the major 140.00 psychological level. We are also heading into the next major risk event for the CHF – the Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) policy decision on 26 Sep. We expect market expectations around the SNB’s policy decision and forward guidance to take over as the main CHF driver.
  • After the strong run in Jul-Aug, various trade-weighted indices suggest that the CHF has now risen back to Jan-Feb levels, before the surprise SNB rate cut in Mar. Thus, recent CHF strength should lead to some SNB discomfort.
  • The SNB’s policy focus has shifted from inflation-fighting to be more growth-supporting this year. The Swiss headline inflation for Aug (released 03 Sep) stood at 1.1% y/y, lower than the estimate of 1.2% y/y and well within the 2.0% target. That a strong CHF is no longer required as an inflation-fighting tool is a view that still stands. In fact, the recent CHF strength has led to the Swiss manufacturing industry to lobby for the SNB actions to contain future appreciation. Clearly, CHF gains have set back the SNB’s intent to support growth.   

Figure 1: Headline and core inflation in Switzerland are both comfortably below the 2.0% target 

Source: Bloomberg, DBS

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Note: All views expressed are current as at the stated date of publication


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