5 Tips for a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Planning and executing a crowdfunding campaign? Here are 5 simple tips to keep in mind for a successful crowdfunding run.


A crowdfunding campaign is a quick way to get cash for your project. However, you cannot afford to mess it up by making your sponsors either feel alienated or ignored. Here are five simple things to bear in mind when planning and executing one:

1. Have a soft launch:
A soft launch to your own community, family and friends who are more likely to support you, before publicising your campaign, ensures that you can meet your funding goals in the fastest way possible.

2. Use tailored pitches
Avoid using template messages that imply a lack of sincerity. It is better to separate your contacts into sub-groups and have a different call to action for these separate groups. Not only will people relate better to your messages, they will feel special and will be more likely to react to your campaign. You can also explore creating good videos to sell your campaigns too.

3. Follow up individually
Crowdfunding campaigns are not about closing the deal immediately. They require patience. By following up individually with specific persons or groups, you are more likely to persuade potential backers to join you.

4. Be proactive and enthusiastic
You have to be interested in your project. People must be able to see your passion overflowing. Your desire to succeed will be key in persuading individuals to support your ideas. A lackluster pitch will only hinder your route to success.

5. Offer rewards if possible
Investors will feel a sense of belonging if they know that they can get their hands on something that they are supporting as a non-financial reward. However, one must be prudent in offering such perks, and ensure they do not eat into profits.

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